2010年1月24日 星期日



Media Release
15 January 2010


The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its member organisations in the Americas are preparing an urgent assistance programme for media workers and journalists affected by the tragic earthquake which this week devastated Latin America's poorest country Haiti.

 「海地人民正在經歷一場令人悲痛的夢魘」,國際記協秘書長Aidan White說:「在受害者之中,有許多是媒體工作者與新聞記者。我們將盡其所能地幫助他們,以做為安定海地人民的一股力量。」

"The people of Haiti are enduring a nightmare of suffering and grief," said Aidan White IFJ General Secretary. "And among the many victims are media workers and journalists. We will do what we can to help them as a part of the effort to build solidarity with the Haitian people."

 國際記協正運用於拉丁美洲的分會網絡,來組織緊急支援工作。拉丁美洲暨加勒比海新聞記者協會(the Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe, FEPALC)為協會在該區域之組織。

The IFJ is using its network of affiliates in Latin America to organise urgent support. The IFJ regional organisation the Federación de Periodistas de América Latina y el Caribe


(FEPALC) plans to implement solidarity actions in the coming days. "There are urgent humanitarian needs, but it is also vital that the communications system, including media is put back together again as quickly as possible," said White. "People need access to useful information to confront this tragedy."


Communications with much of the country are cut off, but the IFJ affiliate in neighbouring Dominican Republic is in touch with some colleagues inside Haiti.

 「成千上萬的海地人民陷於絕境,需要最低限度的協助──食物、水、住所。他們極需各界動員援助。」IFJ的拉美區域辦公室主任Gregorio Salazar表示。

"There is a huge need for mobilization of support in solidarity with the people of Haiti, thousands of whom are in desperate conditions and require the most basic assistance -- food, water and shelter," said Gregorio Salazar, Director of the IFJ Regional Office of Latin America.

 全國新聞工作者工會 (the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, SNTP)是國際記協在多明尼加之分會,現正著手調查身在海地的同事,以及在當地出差的國際新聞特派員之遭遇,但是基本聯繫管道極其微弱,導致了通訊危機。SNTP的秘書長,同時也是國際記協執行委員會成員的Olivo De León表示,這場悲劇已經深深震撼了多明尼加人民與及整個拉丁美洲。
The IFJ affiliate in Dominican Republic, the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP), is investigating the fate of Haitian colleagues and international correspondents on assignment in the area, but basic contact is slight given the communications crisis. Olivo De León, General Secretary of the SNTP and member of the IFJ Executive Committee, said that the tragedy has shaken deeply the Dominican people and all Latin America.

 「我們已聯絡上一名受傷的同事,名叫Porina Ozama(隸屬第11頻道電視),已在醫院接受治療。她曾目睹至少兩名記者同業壓在瓦礫之下。」De León說:「我們也從位於太子港的多明尼加大使館瞭解到此處極為貧乏。雖然國際救援已經到位,然而街道上到處皆是受難者,而人們處在絕望的境地。」

"We have been able to establish contact with a wounded colleague, Porina Ozama (from Chanel 11) who is been treated in a hospital. She saw at least two other journalists under the rubbles," said De León, "We know also from the personnel of the Dominican Embassy in Port-au-Prince that there are terrible needs. Although the international help is arriving already, the streets are full of victims and people in despair."

 如需進一步資訊,請致電國際記協:            + 58 212 7931 996      ;            +32 2 235 22 07    

For further information please call IFJ at             + 58 212 7931996       and             +32 2 235 22 07      


The IFJ represents over 600,000 journalists in 125 countries worldwide

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